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全部都GG V270减抗破甲叠加情况简测

Save all GG V270 anti-armor superimposed simple test case

2016-08-25 19:43:44来源: 多玩游戏

结论放在前头:无论减抗还是破甲叠加都GG了。 测试武器24B,没磨平,对于几万基础面板来说100点左右的浮动忽略。 破甲测试: 影平A 惩罚EX后平A 惩罚EX+重锤平A 减...

Conclusion on top: Whether or minus anti-armor are superimposed on the GG. Test weapons 24B, not polished, for tens of thousands of base panel is floating about 100 points are ignored. Penetration Testing: A flat rear Movies punish punishment EX + EX level A level A weight reduction ...