新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼财年第一季度财报:游戏业务销售额、利润均同比下滑


Sony's financial report for the first quarter of fiscal year: the sales and profits of its game business fell year-on-year

2022-07-29 16:26:20来源: 游戏时光

索尼在今日公开了 2022-2023 财年第一季度财报。该季度索尼集团销售额为 23115 亿日元,同比增长 2%,营业利润为 3070 亿日元,同比增长 10%。游戏与网络服务方面,索尼的销售额达到 6041 亿日元,同比下降 2%,季度营业利润为 528 亿日元,同比下降了 37%。下降的原因主要在于非第一方游戏和追加内容销售额的下降、第一方游戏销量的下降和现有工作室游戏开发成本的提高。在财年第一季度,索尼共卖出 240 万台 PS5, 4710 万份游戏(第一方游戏为 640 万份),其中 79% 为数字版游戏,硬件总销售额为 1347 亿日元,游戏软件总销售额为 3024 亿日元。PlayStation Plus 用户为 4730 万人,比上一季度少了 10 万人

Sony released its first quarter financial report of fiscal year 2022-2023 today. The sales volume of Sony Group in this quarter was & nbsp; 23115& nbsp; Billion yen, a year-on-year increase of 2%, and the operating profit was & nbsp; 3070& nbsp; Billion yen, an increase of 10% year-on-year. In terms of games and network services, Sony's sales reached 604.1 billion yen, a year-on-year decrease of 2%, and its quarterly operating profit was 52.8 billion yen, a year-on-year decrease of 37%. The decline was mainly due to the decline in the sales of non first party games and additional content, the decline in the sales of first party games and the increase in the development cost of existing studio games. In the first quarter of the fiscal year, Sony sold a total of 2.4 million ps547.1 million games (6.4 million first-party games), 79% of which were digital games, with total hardware sales of 134.7 billion yen and total game software sales of 302.4 billion yen. Playstation plus has 47.3 million users, 100000 fewer than the previous quarter

标签: 游戏 索尼