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时尚娱乐本 戴尔14CR-1316价格2699元

The fashion entertainment Dell 14CR-1316 price of 2699 yuan

2015-03-13 07:23:22来源: 新浪

戴尔14CR-1316是一款不错的娱乐本本,以丰富多彩的外壳搭配性能强劲的内芯,让你时刻出色,大放光彩;14.0英寸机身轻至 2.2 千克,随时随地,伴你精彩一路。目前,小编了解到戴尔14CR-13...

Dell 14CR-1316 is a good entertainment books, with rich and colorful shell with the core of strong performance, let you always brilliant, shine; 14 inch fuselage light to 2.2 kg, whenever and wherever possible, all the way with you beautiful. At present, small make up to understand Dell 14CR-13...