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A card on his high horse: NV PASCAL's first video card is about to kill

2016-02-25 16:10:58来源: 中关村在线

看样子,NVIDIA要在GTC大会上由CEO黄仁勋亲自展示下代Pascal显卡的成型板,注意,这次可不是概念的原型了。 据外媒报道,4月4日到7日,GTC大会将在硅谷召开,NV的演讲定在了5日上午9点。 在演讲介绍页面有一组很有趣的代号“S6699”。而“699”一直被认为是Pasc...

It looks like, NVIDIA to show from the CEO jen-hsun huang himself at GTC meeting the next generation of Pascal graphics molding board, note that this is not the concept of the prototype. According to foreign media reports, April 4 to 7, GTC conference will be held in silicon valley, NV's speech at the 5th at 9 am. In the speech has a set of very interesting introduction page code "S6699". The "699" has long been regarded as Pasc...