新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四校门禁入外来车 武汉理工大新规引争议

四校门禁入外来车 武汉理工大新规引争议

Four school banned foreign cars Wuhan polytechnic new rules on contentious

2016-08-12 11:16:46来源: 荆楚网

图为:从武汉理工大学南湖校区南门进入时,门卫塞给司机禁行通知单。楚天都市报记者曲严摄 “以后,从南湖到马房山上二环线,开车再也不能从武汉理工大学穿行了。”前日起,武汉理工大学部分校门将禁止外来车辆...

The graph is: from wuhan university of science and technology south lake campus of the south gate in, the guard to the driver for stop order. Chutian metropolis daily reporter QuYan perturbation "later, the mountain from the south lake to stable second ring, drive can no longer travel from wuhan university of technology." Yesterday, the wuhan university of science and technology part of the school will ban foreign vehicles...