新关注 > 信息聚合 > 石家庄市民青睐健步走 全民健身成时尚

石家庄市民青睐健步走 全民健身成时尚

Shijiazhuang public favor Walking fitness into fashion

2016-07-30 18:30:25来源: 中国新闻网

中新网石家庄7月30日电 (高红超 牛琳)作为一种讲究姿势、速度和时间的步行运动,健步走越来越受广大运动爱好者青睐。在河北省石家庄市的各大公园,记者注意到,健步走渐渐成为市民喜爱的时尚运动方式。 ...

BEIJING, Shijiazhuang, July 30 electric (ultra-high red cow Lin) as a stress position, speed and time of walking exercise, vigorous walking increasingly popular with sports enthusiasts of all ages. In Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province major parks, the reporter noted, Walking people gradually become popular fashion movement. ...