新关注 > 信息聚合 > 横琴地下管廊投资近20亿直接效益80亿


The underground pipe gallery direct investment 8000000000

2015-07-30 13:16:01来源: 南方网

横琴地下综合管廊。吴伟洪 郭安然 摄 编者按 7月28日,国务院常务会议部署推进城市地下综合管廊建设。此举意味着,自去年国务院发布《国务院办公厅关于加强城市地下管线建设管理的指导意见》对城市地...

Hengqin underground pipe gallery benefit nearly 2000000000. Guo Anran Wu Weihong photo editor in July 28th, the State Council executive meeting to promote the construction of urban underground pipe gallery. This means that, since last year, the State Council issued the "State Council on strengthening the urban underground pipeline construction management guidance" to the city...