新关注 > 信息聚合 > 午盘:美股继续攀升纳指逼近历史纪录


Afternoon: U.S. stocks continued to climb nasdaq close to historical records

2016-10-11 06:08:30来源: 新浪

新浪美股讯 北京时间10日晚,美股周一午盘继续攀升,纳指逼近历史最高纪录。油价继续突破技术点位。投资者仍在斟酌第二次总统大选辩论的结果。 美东时间10月10日11:55(北京时间10月10日23...

Sina stocks - Beijing time on the evening of 10 stocks on Monday afternoon continue to rise, the nasdaq to record. Oil prices continue to breakthrough technology level. Investors are still consider the second presidential election debate. On October 10, eastern time now (Beijing standard time on October 10, 23...