新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京超额淘汰39.1万辆黄标车


Beijing excess out of 391000 standard yellow cars

2015-01-12 22:06:38来源: 中国新闻网

来自北京市环保局的消息,北京市提前超额完成国家下达的淘汰39.1万辆黄标车任务,标志着本市历时六年,终于告别“黄标车时代”,成为全国首个基本解决黄标车排放污染的城市。接下来,北京市将把国Ⅰ、国Ⅱ车和重型柴油车作为主要治理对象,以2006年前的老旧车为主。 北京市自2008年起集中治理...

from Beijing City Environmental Protection Bureau of Beijing city news, ahead of schedule to complete the state assigned out of 391000 standard yellow cars task, indicates that the city lasted six years, finally bid farewell to "Huang Biao car of the times", to become the first country to basically solve the pollution emission standard yellow car city. Next, Beijing city will put the country I, II state vehicles and heavy diesel vehicles as the main object of governance, to 2006 before the old car based. Beijing city since 2008, centralized management...