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爱情沙画 撩动心弦

Love sand sparks chord

2015-08-21 13:52:07来源: 大河网

世界上总有那么一个人,从出生的那天开始,就注定和你相遇、相知、相伴一生…… 帅男、靓女,礼服、美酒,相亲、party……20日晚,七夕浪漫之夜的party,在海口市美华路1号万花坊别墅浪漫呈现。...

world total so a person, starting from the day of birth, it is destined to and you meet, the dear friend, forever...... Handsome men, girls, dress, wine, blind, party...... On the evening of 20, July 7th romantic night party, presented in Haikou Meihua Road No. 1 square villa romantic flowers. ...