新关注 > 信息聚合 > 昆凌不管老公周杰伦 带爱犬麻吉和闺蜜聚会

昆凌不管老公周杰伦 带爱犬麻吉和闺蜜聚会

Kunling regardless of dog Machi and girlfriends party people

2015-07-03 14:12:39来源: 人民网

昆凌与好友聚会图(1 /9张) 7月3日,昆凌通过微博发布了自己带爱犬和闺蜜聚会的照片,照片中昆凌撇开老公周杰伦,和自己的美闺蜜们一起品尝美食,拍照合影,照片中的麻吉狗狗神情“高冷”,愈发显得呆...

Kunling and friends party figure (1 / 9) on July 3, Kunling through the micro Bo released to bring their own photos of the dog and girlfriends party with her husband Jay Chou, photo Kunling aside her husband Jay Chou, and their girlfriends who gather together for a taste of the food, posed for pictures, photos of the machi dog look high cold, it is increasingly stay...