新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《文明帝国OL》将开见面会 四大文明代表聚首

《文明帝国OL》将开见面会 四大文明代表聚首

The imperial civilization ol "will open the meeting on behalf of the four great ancient civilizations gather

2015-04-29 16:20:59来源: 17173

韩国XL GAMES将在5月16日召开名为“非正式会议”的《文明帝国OL》玩家见面会,目前正在进行参与者的募集工作。据悉,本次见面会将召集4大文明(罗马,中国,埃及,阿兹特克)的3个代表,共计12人...

Korea XL games will be on May 16, held a called" informal meetings of the imperial civilization ol "players will meet, at present is for participant recruitment work. It is reported, this meeting will be convened 4 major civilizations (Rome, Egypt, China, Aztec) on behalf of 3, a total of 12 people...