新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8日起冷空气来袭 广西局部降温幅度或达12℃以上

8日起冷空气来袭 广西局部降温幅度或达12℃以上

8 days of cold air strikes Guangxi local cooling range or up to more than 12 degrees Celsius

2016-11-07 10:58:47来源: 广西新闻网

今日立冬,天气君消受“最后闷热” 明起新的冷空气轮番来袭 我区局部降温幅度或达12℃以上 广西新闻网-当代生活报 胡玲玲 通讯员 黄丽娜 今天是立冬节气了,按照常规模式,立冬过后,我国日照...

Today the weather can last winter, Jun Ming from the hot "new cold air strikes in our region turns local cooling range or above 12 degrees of Guangxi News Network - Contemporary al Hayat correspondent Hu Lingling Huang Lina today is the winter solar term, after the beginning of winter, in accordance with the normal pattern of our sunshine...