新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德米凯利斯:没有梅西,我们永远赢不了比赛。


Martin demichelis: no messi, we'll never win the game.

2016-10-12 20:57:27来源: 华体网

体育10月12日讯 在今晨结束的一场南美区世预赛中,阿根廷主场0-1不敌巴拉圭。赛后,阿根廷后卫德米凯利斯在接受记者采访时表示:“没有梅西,我们永远赢不了比赛。” “这场失败不过是此前两轮对阵秘鲁...

On October 12, sports news In the end of this morning in a South American zone World Cup qualifier, Argentina 1-0 home defeat to Paraguay. After the game, the Argentina defender Martin demichelis in an interview with reporters, said: "no messi, we'll never win the game." "The failure is just after two rounds against Peru...