新关注 > 信息聚合 > 酷派改变者S1亮相黑石竞技挑战赛 助Gn战队轻取桂冠

酷派改变者S1亮相黑石竞技挑战赛 助Gn战队轻取桂冠

Cool the change S1 at blackstone competitive challenge designed.the Gn team romped to crown

2016-12-24 01:11:13来源: 新浪


On December 22, 2016, the first session of blackstone competitive challenge "a gun battle 2" project final in Beijing conference center, a pitched battle, from cool "designed.the Gn team beat from OPPO battlefield" "young team, won the first session of blackstone, the competitive challenge" a gun battle 2 "...