新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林允《十二道锋味》首秀厨艺 获谢霆锋超高评价

林允《十二道锋味》首秀厨艺 获谢霆锋超高评价

Lin Yun 12 front taste debut cooking Nicholas tse high evaluation

2016-11-12 01:23:32来源: 大众网

大众网娱乐 由浙江卫视、英皇(北京)文化和蓝天下传媒联合出品的电影级美食综艺《十二道锋味3》正在浙江卫视热播,谢霆锋率众多好友为观众带来极致美食与暖心体验。本周六,刚刚在中澳、中美两大电影节摘得“最...

The public network entertainment By zhejiang TV, emperor (Beijing) culture and media joint production of a film under the blue sky food variety "12 feng flavor 3" is zhejiang satellite TV channel, Nicholas tse rate many friends bring extreme food and warm heart experience for the audience. On Saturday, just in Australia, the two big festival won the "most...