新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王宝强携《大闹天竺》闹汕头 送年货唠家常拜早年

王宝强携《大闹天竺》闹汕头 送年货唠家常拜早年

Wang baoqiang with "big big tianzhu" shantou Send them to Lao homely worshipped at an early age

2017-01-07 02:11:32来源: 大众网


Directed by wang baoqiang, wang baoqiang, YueYunPeng, Ada, white guest starred in the movie "the big big tianzhu" on January 28th day opened throughout the country. Recent movies a 60-day, across 50 "beat" of the city of the national road was underway. On January 4, wang baoqiang director with a virgin...