新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国内棉籽加工有望提前结束!


Domestic cottonseed processing is expected to end in advance!

2017-01-05 15:54:09来源: 新浪

原标题:国内棉籽加工有望提前结束! 目前棉副产品整体走货情况平平,传统的春节已无法带动节前市场备货脚步,棉副报价偏弱整理下,棉籽加工厂家盈利空间有限。加之近期雾霾天气,环保监察力度加大,油厂基本...

Original title: domestic cottonseed processing is expected to end in advance! At present cotton by-products overall goods go flat, the traditional Spring Festival has been unable to drive the market before the holiday stocking feet, cotton price side weak finishing, cottonseed processing manufacturers profit space is limited. Coupled with the recent haze, efforts to monitor the environmental protection to increase basic oil...