新关注 > 信息聚合 > 央行试水数字货币 数字票据交易平台试运行

央行试水数字货币 数字票据交易平台试运行

The central bank to digital currency notes trading platform commissioning

2017-01-26 04:09:38来源: 新浪

央行试水数字货币 数字票据交易平台试运行 证券时报网(www.stcn.com)01月25日讯 据财新报道,央行推动的基于区块链的数字票据交易平台已测试成功,由央行发行的法定数字货币已在该平台试...

The central bank to digital currency notes securities trading platform commissioning times network - January 25 (www.stcn.com) According to caixin, the central bank to promote the digital instrument based on block chain trading platform has been tested successfully, legal digital currency issued by the central bank has been the platform to try...