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轻便易用高感强 佳能6D Mark II评测

Portable, easy to use, high sense of strength, Canon 6D, Mark, II evaluation

2017-07-24 09:59:23来源: IT168

【IT168 评测】距离上一代EOS 6D发布五年,我们终于等到了它的继任者——佳能 EOS 6D Mark II。五年的时间沧海桑田,随着全画幅的普及,很多小白用户也愿意选择全画幅作为人生中的第一...

[IT168 evaluation] from the previous generation of EOS 6D released five years, we finally wait until its successor - Canon EOS 6D Mark II. Five years of vicissitudes, with the popularity of full frame, a lot of white users are willing to choose a full frame as in the life of the first...