新关注 > 信息聚合 > 八旬退休老教师研究甲骨文 新增100多字的读音

八旬退休老教师研究甲骨文 新增100多字的读音

Octogenarian retired old teacher to study the pronunciation of the oracle added more than 100 words

2017-07-24 09:59:23来源: 华商网

季文虎阅读《殷墟甲骨文》 大学中文系毕业,之后做了40年的教师。今年80岁的季文虎老人一生与文字结缘,尤其是在甲骨文的研究方面,将甲骨文《殷墟甲骨文》一书原本有1056个字的甲骨文,通过多方考证...

JiWenHu reading "guizhang" university graduated from Chinese department, for 40 years after the teacher. The 80 - year - old JiWenHu life and words become attached to, especially in the study of oracle, the oracle "guizhang" oracle, 1056 word by well-researched...