新关注 > 信息聚合 > 望都县棚户区改造圆百姓安居梦


Wangdu County shantytowns transformation round people dream home

2015-12-21 18:41:04来源: 河北新闻网

12月16日,63岁的棚改户宋同进老人在望都县柠檬小镇小区的新家布置房间。 2013年以来,望都县投资4.925亿元,拆迁29.23万平方米,实施1481户棚户区改造。目前已有483户居民回迁新...

12 on Sept. 16, 63 year old song in the studio to change the user Tongjin old new home decorate the room area of Wangdu County town of lemon. Since 2013, investment in Wangdu County, 1481 yuan, the demolition of the square meters, the implementation of the shantytowns. There are 483 residents to move back to the new...