新关注 > 信息聚合 > AlphaGo或于5月来华挑战柯洁 人机终极大战一触即发

AlphaGo或于5月来华挑战柯洁 人机终极大战一触即发

AlphaGo or the challenge to China in May

2017-04-06 23:54:22来源: 新浪

谷歌中国或将于本月10日召开新闻发布会,目前发布会内容暂未可知,但从涉及中国棋院来看,发布会或将最终宣布“AlphaGo对战柯洁”的具体信息。 此前,数度传闻AlphaGo将来华挑战现排名世界第...

Chinese or Google will hold a press conference on the 10 of this month, the conference content temporarily unknown, but from the point of view to Chinese chess, or conference will finally announce specific information AlphaGo against kija ". Before, the number of rumors that AlphaGo will be the world's future China challenge.