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Toyota's recall of more than 500000 vehicles in Brazil for airbags

2017-04-07 11:20:04来源: 中国新闻网

新华社里约热内卢4月5日电(记者张启畅)日本丰田汽车公司日前宣布,因安全气囊存在爆裂隐患,将在巴西召回53.8万辆汽车。这是该公司在巴西因安全气囊问题实施的最大规模召回。 此次召回涉及卡罗拉、E...

Xinhua Rio DE janeiro on April 5 (xinhua Zhang Qichang) Japan's Toyota motor corp. announced that because of airbags to burst risk, will recall of 538000 vehicles in Brazil. It is the company in Brazil for airbags on the implementation of the biggest recalls. This recall involves the corolla, E...