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重庆现“集装箱城中村” 每天仅需3元(图)

In Chongqing, the "container city village" is only 3 yuan per day.

2016-09-27 22:35:51来源: 搜狐

2016年9月26日,重庆市渝北区龙头寺片区,12座住人集装箱和配套的卫生间、食堂、澡堂等,形成“集装箱城中村”。东方IC 版权作品 请勿转载 现场看到,该村建在小山坡上,四周被铁路、商品房工地...

In September 26, 2016, in the area of dragon head temple in Yubei District, Chongqing, 12 containers, supporting toilets, dining rooms and baths were formed, forming "container city villages". East IC copyright works do not reprint the scene, the village is built on the hill, surrounded by railway, commercial housing site...