新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西安启泰全新英朗600公里节油挑战赛圆满落幕


Xi'an Qitai new yinglang 600 km fuel saving challenge ended

2015-07-21 13:00:01来源: 爱卡汽车网

7月16日,一场主题为“西安启泰全新英朗600公里节油挑战赛”的活动在西安启泰别克4S店集结。西安地区几家主流媒体济济一堂,见证别克全新英朗油耗实测。 随着油价的跌宕起伏,买车容易养车难也牵动着...

July 16, a theme for "Xian Kai Tai new Hideo 600 km fuel saving challenge tournament in Xian Kai Tai Buick 4S shop assembled. In Xi'an several mainstream media to witness the new Buick Hideo a gathering of many people, the measured fuel consumption. With the ups and downs of oil prices, car easy to raise the car is also affected...