新关注 > 信息聚合 > 9月20日四大证券报头版头条内容精华摘要


On September 20, the big four securities news headlines content essence in this paper

2016-09-20 08:11:56来源: 新浪

中国证券报 被否案例频现 IPO全链条监管从严 IPO审核全面从严态势下,年内IPO被否企业接连出现。 近日,证监会公告,克拉玛依新科澳石油天然气技术股份有限公司首发申请未获通过。业内专...

China securities news was no case in IPO all chain under the supervision of IPO audit strictly overall situation strictly, years frequent IPO was no enterprise. Recently, the SFC announcement, kelamayi shinco Macao petroleum technology co., LTD., fail to get started. The designed...