新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王者荣耀》花木兰新皮肤故事曝光 猎龙者霸气登场

《王者荣耀》花木兰新皮肤故事曝光 猎龙者霸气登场

"The king glory" hua mu LAN story new skin exposure Hunting, dragon is domineering

2017-04-26 01:01:01来源: 新浪

水晶猎龙者——花木兰将于“五五开黑节”期间正式登陆王者峡谷。近日,官方公布了猎龙者花木兰的背景故事。 十多年前,一位路过的武器匠在火山镇屠杀巨龙。数十年后,他的女儿也成为了远近闻名的猎龙者。 ...

Crystal dragon is hunting, hua mu LAN will be held during the period of "50-50 black section" launch of Kings canyon. Recently, the official hunting dragon background story of mulan. More than a decade ago, a passing weaponsmith in volcanic slaughter dragon town. Decades later, his daughter also became the famous dragon hunting. ...

标签: 王者荣耀