新关注 > 信息聚合 > Dewen和拖鞋热血演绎《战火荣耀》MV


Dewen and slippers passionate interpretation of "glory of war" MV

2014-04-15 17:59:22来源: 大众网

《战火荣耀》特别联合同厂牌旗下艺人李魏西与知名音乐制作人夏侯哲共同打造。抓耳的旋律和激进的曲风,在Dewen沙哑中略带粗犷的声线和拖鞋刚强又极具穿透力的嗓音的完美搭配下融合碰撞。 拖鞋 Dewe...

"glory of war" special brand combined with its artists Liwei Xi with renowned music producer Tetsuya Jaap together to build. Caught the ear melodies and aggressive style of music, a perfect fusion of a collision with a slightly rough in the Dewen hoarse voice and slippers strong and highly penetrating vocal. Slippers Dewe ...