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陆毅《人民的名义》命悬一线 机智躲暗杀全程高能

Lu Yi's name in the name of the people hangs a thread of wit to assassinate the whole energy.

2017-04-20 15:22:28来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 日前,由编剧周梅森执笔,导演李路执导,演员陆毅[微博]领衔一众戏骨主演的反腐大剧《人民的名义》正在湖南卫视黄金档热播。在最近的剧集中,陆毅饰演的侯亮平单刀赴会,勇闯“鸿门宴”,机智藏死角...

Sina entertainment news, by the writer Zhou Meisen, director Eru, director Eru directing, actor Lu Yi [micro-blog] leading a variety of play bone starring the anti-corruption drama "the name of the people" is in Hunan TV yellow gold. In the recent drama, Hou Liangping, who played the role of Lu Yi, went to the "Banquet" and "wit".