新关注 > 信息聚合 > 看不够的美男!《刀剑乱舞-花丸-》首次公开人设图


Can't get enough!!!! The sword dance - take pills - publicly for the first time people set figure

2016-07-20 21:33:50来源: 新浪

由DMM公司的人气女性向网页游戏《刀剑乱舞》改编的TV动画《刀剑乱舞-花丸-》已确定于10月播出,昨天(7月19日)动画官方首次公布了大和守安定与加州清光两位男主角的人设图及草图。 此次公开的大...

From the growing popularity of DMM company women to web game "sword dance" based on a TV animation "sword dance - take pills -" have been identified in October, yesterday (July 19) animation officially unveiled for the first time and keep stable and cleared out two male leading role of California set figure and sketches. The public big...