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配七代CPU更轻续航更长 ThinkPad X1全系列更新

With seven generations CPU lighter last longer the X1 whole series of updates

2017-01-05 00:50:53来源: 中关村在线

ThinkPad 品牌至今已经服务超过 25 年时间了,不过 ThinkPad X1 产品线始终是经典轻薄的代表作。在 CES 2017 国际消费电子展会召开之前,联想更新了 ThinkPad X1...

ThinkPad brand has been service for more than 25 years, but the X1 product line is always a classic thin masterpiece. Before the CES 2017 international consumer electronics show, lenovo, updated the X1...