新关注 > 信息聚合 > 创新科技手段 促进教育公平

创新科技手段 促进教育公平

Innovation of scientific and technological means to promote uphold "government led, organized education, development of the financial support of philosophy of education fairness

2015-05-18 15:03:46来源: 中国经济网

国家开发银行秉持“政府主导,教育主办,开发性金融支持”的理念,全面支持国家助学贷款业务开展,在有限的机构网点及人力资源情况下,探索出了一条借助科技手段完成庞大零售业务管理的创新之路,夯实和促进了教育公平,逐步发展成为国家助学贷款业务主力银行。 一、助学贷款IT支持平台建设背景 助...

National Development Bank, full support of national student loan business, under Limited outlets and situation of human resources, to explore the a huge retail business management innovation by means of science and technology, consolidate and promote the education fair, and gradually developed into a national student loan business main bank. IT, a student loan platform construction background...