新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百度雄安签署战略合作协议 10辆Apollo自动驾驶汽车在雄安上路

百度雄安签署战略合作协议 10辆Apollo自动驾驶汽车在雄安上路

Baidu male Ann signed a strategic cooperation agreement 10 Apollo automated driving car in male install path

2017-12-21 15:31:45来源: DoNews

DoNews 12月21日消息(记者 向密) 百度公司与河北雄安新区管委会签署战略合作协议,双方将在智能出行、对话式AI应用、云基础设施等多个领域展开深度合作,共同将雄安新区打造为AI-City智能城市新标杆。河北省委书记王东峰,省委副书记、省长许勤,百度董事长兼CEO李彦宏以及百度集团总裁兼COO陆奇等出席签约仪式。百度与河北省政府还宣布将共同筹建AI国家实验室,打造AI研究新高地。同时Apollo第一届理事会在雄安新区召开。根据介绍,在共建雄安AI-City上,百度将充分发挥在人工智能、大数据、无人车、云计算等多个领域的技术与应用优势,以自动驾驶、对话式人工智能为重点,推动包括智能交通、智...

DoNews Dec. 21 news (reporter to close) company and hebei male Ann new district management committee signed a strategic cooperation agreement, the two sides will travel in the smart, conversational AI applications, cloud infrastructure, and other fields deep cooperation, common male Ann district build a new benchmark for AI - City intelligent City. Hebei dong-feng wang, secretary of provincial party committee, vice secretary of provincial party committee, governor hsu, chairman and CEO robin li, baidu baidu group President and COO, qi lu attended the signing ceremony. Baidu and hebei provincial government also announced jointly build AI national laboratory, build a new high AI research. Apollo, at the same time the first session of the council held in male Ann district. According to introduction, in the construction of male on AI - City, baidu will give full play to in artificial intelligence, big data, there is no car, cloud computing and other fields of technology and the application advantages, with an emphasis on autopilot, dialogue type artificial intelligence, including intelligent transportation, wisdom...