新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《梦幻西游》电脑版新服长歌如梦即将开启


"Fantasy westward journey" computer version new suit long song like a dream to open it

2016-10-27 01:47:52来源: 新浪

10月28日,《梦幻西游》电脑版超火大区天下无双的新服“长歌如梦”即将盛大开启,玩家们可以与代言人鞠婧祎一起,唱响新服新篇章!超火大区,代言人纪念服,除了有鞠婧祎的祝福相伴,更有丰厚奖励等你来拿! 重磅来袭,你的队友鞠婧祎上线 新服“长歌如梦”即将在10月28日盛大开启,《梦幻西...

On October 28, "fantasy westward journey" computer version of super fire district just one new suits "long song like a dream" is a grand opening, and players can face JuJing yi together, singing new suit new chapter! Super fire district, spokesman mark, in addition to the JuJing yi wishes accompany, more generous rewards waiting for you to take! Blockbuster hit, your teammates JuJing yi launched new suit "long song like a dream" is a grand opening on October 28, "the dream west...

标签: 梦幻西游