新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传穆帅愿给拉什福德上场时间助其入选国家队


Jose mourinho is willing to transfer to rush at playing time to help their national team

2016-08-25 15:27:59来源: 华体网

体育8月24日讯 《每日邮报》报道,穆里尼奥计划在本赛季给拉什福德足够的上场时间以确保他在英格兰队中的位置。 拉什福德在上赛季后半段横空出世,他的连续进球帮助时任主帅范加尔暂时保住了帅位。他也凭自...

Sports - the daily mail reported on August 24, jose mourinho's plans to rush at enough playing time this season in order to ensure his place in the England team. Rush at in the second half of last season was born, his continuous goals help coach Louis van gaal's then temporarily keep the job. He also by the...