新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新一轮炒币热背后的涨跌逻辑


A new round of RMB notes hot behind the rise and fall of logic

2018-01-30 13:33:00来源: 品途网


After only four months, "money" (a group of technology development, distribution, use block chain operations, virtual currency trading) and lively, more new incoming, play more and more. On January 10, digital assets trading platform Binance (currency) Ann announced its registered users of more than 5 million people worldwide, has become the one of the world's biggest exchanges, and the distance from the start operation only about six months. And, as a new user growth too much too fast, currency Ann had to temporarily shut down once registered channels. Some of the familiar sight of the virtual currency. August 2017, numerous ICO (first issued tokens) projects in the "currency" and caused great concern in society. Yet, the myth of "a dollar a villa" in the last year on September 4th. "A line of three will" and other seven ministries jointly issued the ICO policy, defines the virtual currency ICO as "in essence is a kind of unauthorized illegal public financing line...