新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鸟尽弓藏 《模拟人生》开发工作室遭EA关闭

鸟尽弓藏 《模拟人生》开发工作室遭EA关闭

Diaojingongcang "Sims" development studio was closed

2015-03-05 18:31:21来源: 新浪

对于优秀的都市模拟游戏“模拟城市(SimCity)”系列以及早期“模拟人生”系列的粉丝们来说,EA日前突然宣布的关闭Maxis Emeryvill工作室(Maxis品牌众多工作室中最重要的一个)的消息无异于一记重磅炸弹。 “模拟”系列允许玩家充分发挥自己的想象力 “模拟城市”系列资...

for outstanding urban simulation game "Sim City (SimCity)" series and early "Sims" series of fans, EA recently announced suddenly shut down Maxis Emeryvill studio (one of the most important Maxis brands in the studio) message is tantamount to a bomb. "Analog" series allows the game player to give full play to their imagination "Sim City" series of capital...