新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为了还原真实剑术《对马岛之鬼》请到了日本「天心流兵法」的大师


In order to restore the true swordsman "ghost of Tsushima", she went to Japan's master of "Tianxin flow warfare".

2018-09-03 17:32:32来源: 游戏时光

今年 E3 上,日式和风 ACT 新作《对马岛之鬼》一亮相就抓住了观众眼球,本作电影化的分镜、氛围感极强的光影、极为真实的刀剑战斗无不让玩家期待。近日开发商 Sucker Punch 发表了一则推特,看起来他们请了两位日本人来到工作室。没错这两位是正儿八经的日本古流武术大师,“天心流兵法”第十代传人锹海政云和师代范井手柳雪。左二 锹海政云/左四 井手柳雪“天心流兵法”,属于日本最大的古武术派系“新阴流”的分支,相传剑术家弥兵卫在剑豪柳生宗矩门下学习,将其二百多招技法细心整理,编出一套“天心流”兵法,集剑术、拔刀术、枪术、十字枪术、薙刀术、锁链术、柔术各种兵法于一体。对“天心流”感兴趣的玩家可以...

On E3 this year, Japanese and wind ACT's new work "The Ghost of Takashima" captured the audience's attention as soon as it appeared. The film's split mirror, the atmosphere of strong light and shadow, the extremely real sword battle all let the players expect. Sucker Punch, the developer, recently posted a tweet that appeared to have invited two Japanese to the studio. That's right. These two are Japanese ancient-fashioned martial arts masters. The tenth generation of "Tianxin Running Art of War" descendants, Takashi Zhengyun and Shidai Fan Jingshu master, Liu Xue. Left Ershihai Zhengyun/left Sishi well-hand Liu Xue's "Tianxin Running Art" belongs to Japan's largest ancient martial arts faction "Xinyiliu" branch. According to legend, the swordsman Mi Bingwei studied under the gate of Kenhao Liusheng Zongmu, tidied up his more than 200 skills, and compiled a set of "Tianxinliu" art of war, including fencing, drawing knives, gunnery and ten skills. Word wars, razors, chains, and various techniques of martial arts are integrated into one. Players interested in "Tianxin flow" can...