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Don Mattrick的又一次离职 Zynga新官接替上任!

Don Mattrick Zynga once again left new officials take office!

2015-04-11 03:00:17来源: 逗游网

Zynga是一家非常知名的社交游戏厂商,周三该公司发布了一条消息,他们的首席执行官Don Mattrick宣布离职,Don Mattrick曾是前任Xbox的高管,公司的总部在旧金山,该公司是《虚拟农场(FarmVille)》和《填字游戏(Words With Friends)》的创造者...

Zynga is a very well-known social game manufacturers, the company on Wednesday posted a message, Don Mattrick's chief executive, they announced his resignation, Don Mattrick is a former Xbox executive, the company's headquarters in San Francisco, the company is "virtual farm (FarmVille)" and "word games (Words With Friends)" the creator...