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Happy Night Talk: Living elsewhere

2019-10-09 17:47:22来源: 触乐

触乐夜话,每天胡侃和游戏有关的屁事、鬼事、新鲜事。 图/小罗这个国庆我第一次跑到了塞外——我个人在国境内抵达的最北方。从北京开到乌兰察布的时间比我想象中要短,但也花了大约5个钟头。在旅程的大部分时间里,我们都开在又长又直的高速公路上,公路两旁都是树——属于秋天的树,纤细苍白的枝干,明黄色的树叶在风中簌簌地响。从车窗往外望,薄薄的层云就像覆了一块磨砂玻璃似的,天空只透出很浅的蓝。我摇下车窗,将手伸到风里,不一会儿就被吹得冰凉冰凉,而我就像任何一个没有见过世面的南方人一样高兴地尖叫起来。南方人对北方的一切都贼稀罕!我是待不住的,总想着向外跑。跑出城...

Happy Night Talk, everyday jokes and games related farts, ghosts, new things. Tu/Xiao Luo This National Day, I first ran outside the Serbia & mdash; & mdash; I personally arrived in the northernmost part of the country. It took me about five hours to drive from Beijing to Ulanchab, which was shorter than I expected. For most of our journey, we were on long, straight highways lined with trees - mdash; - mdash; autumn trees, slender pale branches, bright yellow leaves rustling in the wind. Looking out of the window, the thin layer of clouds looks like a piece of frosted glass, and the sky is only very light blue. I rolled down the window and put my hand into the wind, which soon blew cold and cold, and I screamed with joy like any southerner who had never seen the world before. Southerners are scarce of everything in the north! I can't wait to run out. Run out of town...