新关注 > 信息聚合 > 萌动宫廷《甜心格格》 双平台不删档测试即将开启

萌动宫廷《甜心格格》 双平台不删档测试即将开启

Germination court "sweet heart" double platform does not delete files, testing is about to open

2016-04-12 17:30:52来源: 4399

《甜心格格》手游将迎来国萌不删档双平台测试,爆笑暖心宫廷之旅即将揭开新篇章。萌萌国风二次元,爆笑暖心剧情,颠覆传统男男宫斗以及恶搞好友资源掠夺,爆笑暖心宫廷之中,无时无刻不欢乐逗趣! 《甜心格格》手游在4月初上架AppStore便十分火爆,颇受玩家们欢迎,对此次国萌不删档测试而言亦是一...

"Sweet lady" tour will usher in MOE not delete files double platform test, hilarious warm heart palace trip is about to open a new chapter. In the two dimension wind Meng, hilarious heart warming story, to subvert the traditional male palace fighting and looting spoof friends, the comedy warm heart among the palace, every hour and moment joy funny! "Sweetheart Princess" in early April on the AppStore Mobile Games is very popular, popular game player are welcome, the country does not delete files test also adorable is a...