新关注 > 信息聚合 > NEXON将开发《极品飞车》网络版 12日公布

NEXON将开发《极品飞车》网络版 12日公布

NEXON will develop the "need for speed" online version 12,

2015-11-04 17:30:02来源: 17173

4日,NEXON曝光了旗下研发的《极品飞车》系列的网游版《极品飞车:边缘》的首部预告视频。游戏将于11月12日,也就是Gstar期间曝光进一步情报。 《极品飞车:边缘》是款赛车游戏,为系列的最新作。本作由EA旗下Spearhad工作室开发,开发引擎为《极品飞车18:宿敌》的寒霜3引擎...

4, NEXON exposure of the "need for speed" series of online games, "need for speed: edge," the first trailer. The game will be in November 12th, the exposure of further information on the Gstar. "Need for speed: the edge" is a racing game, the latest for the series. The studio by EA's Spearhad development, development engine for need for speed 18: "enemy" of the frostbite 3 engine...