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The sword of the spirit "Taifu on-line version of the new new Hongmen ginseng

2015-09-16 19:22:25来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 9月16日消息,《剑灵》台服今日上线新版本“新洪门参上”,开放新剧情、新副本、对战系统、武器外型变更系统以及三种族职业新选择。 全新洪门修练之路 今日改版将推出全新5、6幕剧情,玩家将带领全新的洪门弟子,一同进行修练之路,接受新的挑战。此次改版开放全新队伍PVP挑战,...

Sina game news news on September 16, the sword of the spirit" Taifu on-line today a new version of "new Hongmen ginseng", open new story, new copy, of warfare systems, weapons and appearance changes to the system and three race career choice of the new choice. New Hongmen practitioners road today website will launch new 5, 6 scenario. Players will lead new Freemason disciples, along the road of practitioners, accept new challenges. The revision of the new team PVP challenge,...