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每日佳软:新版2048 玩法增加虐心依旧

Daily jiaruan: new 2048 play abuse increase heart still

2015-08-28 06:26:33来源: 和讯网

去年开始流行起来的数字游戏《2048》当时一经推出便迅速蹿红于各个平台,看似简单的规则、最基本的数字加法形式界面难倒了不少人。而近日笔者在逛游戏商店时,发现“新版2048”出现了。经过试玩发现,新版2048增加了不少玩法,难度较大比较虐心。 每日佳软:新版2048依旧虐心 新版20...

last year, the start popular digital game "2048" was once launched quickly jump red on various platforms, seemingly simple rules, the basic digital addition interface form stumped a lot of people. And recently I was visiting the game store, found a new version of the 2048 appeared. After the trial found, version 2048 adds a lot of play, difficult to compare child heart. Daily jiaruan: the new 2048 version of the 20 child heart still...