新关注 > 信息聚合 > 零售商力挺:《合金装备5》是小岛秀夫作品!


Retailers "behind: metal gear 5" is the works of Kojima Hideo! Between

2015-08-27 20:19:42来源: 新浪

科乐美与知名游戏制作人小岛秀夫之间的恩恩怨怨无人能懂,科乐美高层曾命令公司上下禁止谈论有关小岛秀夫的话题,并且在《合金装备5:幻痛》游戏包装上去掉了小岛工作室标志和制作人信息。这让很多粉丝认为科乐美有点不讲情义、欺人太甚。 作为一款IGN满分评价神作《合金装备5:幻痛》而言,小岛秀夫...

Konami with well-known game producer Hideo Kojima enenyuanyuan no one can understand, Konami executives had ordered the company under forbidden to talk about the topic of Hideo Kojima, and in the metal gear 5: phantom pain "packaged games removed Island studio logos and producer of information. This makes a lot of fans think that KONAMI is not me, That's going too far. As a IGN out of God "metal gear 5: evaluation of phantom pain", Kojima Hideo...

标签: 合金装备