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KONAMI apology?! Washing said alloy equipment Silent Hill non sacrifice

2015-06-01 11:21:34来源: 新浪

最近科乐美因为《合金装备》,《寂静岭》以及小岛秀夫的传言算是摊上了事儿,其新任社长“手游第一”的言论爆发出了极大的不满。在采访中,科乐美新任社长早川英树曾在采访中说:“手游才是游戏业的未来。”正是这句震惊世人的发言引发了这次大动荡。 科乐美的公众关系总监杰伊·布尔在发送给Ars Te...

recent Konami because "metal gear", "silent hill" and rumors of Hideo Kojima count is stalls of the thing, the new president "tour first" speech broke out of the great dissatisfaction. In the interview, Hayakawa Hideki, the new president of KONAMI, said in an interview: "hand travel is the future of the game industry." It is a shocking statement triggered the unrest. KONAMI's public relations director, Jay Bull, was sent to Te Ars...

标签: 合金装备