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小岛工作室完结之作 《合金装备5》亮相科隆

The end of the small island studio for the alloy equipment 5, the debut of Cologne

2015-08-06 16:20:13来源: 4399

Konami于本届的科隆游戏展上公开了《合金装备5 幻痛》的最新预告视频。在视频中除了可以看到本作的新人物-骷髅男、美女狙击手Quiet以外,系列经典角色心理螳螂也在其中登场。 从公布的视频内容来看,本作依然传围绕“复仇”这一主题展开。无论是旁白还是字幕都提醒着玩家,一切的战斗都是出自...

Konami at the Cologne game show on the open the alloy equipment 5 magic pain, the latest Trailer video. In the video in addition to see the new character skeleton men and women snipers quiet, classic series character Psycho Mantis also in the debut. From the video content of the announcement, the work is still around the Revenge of the theme. Both the narrator and the caption are reminding the players that all the battles are from...

标签: 合金装备