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抢先体验!《合金装备5:幻痛》PS3 360版偷跑

Preemptive experience! "Metal Gear Solid 5: phantom pain, the PS3 version of the 360 sneak

2015-08-28 10:59:07来源: 站长之家

[摘要] 《合金装备5:幻痛》是《合金装备》系列第五代正统续作,在游戏中,小岛秀夫想要让玩家进一步感到战争的残酷,每次战斗都很难全身而退,有些角色可能会在战斗结束后失去肢体。在“阿富汗”关卡中,玩家的视野非常广阔。 《合金装备5:幻痛》是《合金装备》系列第五代正统续作,在游戏中,小岛...

[]" Metal Gear Solid 5: phantom pain "is the metal gear series of fifth generation sequel. In the game, Hideo Kojima to allow the player to further feel the war cruel. Each battle is very difficult to retreats, some role may lost limbs after the end of combat. In the Afghan level, the player's vision is very broad. "Metal gear 5: phantom pain" is "metal gear" series of the fifth generation sequel, in the game, the island...

标签: 合金装备 PS