新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西山居获人气小说《灵域》手游 计划第四季度上线

西山居获人气小说《灵域》手游 计划第四季度上线

Westhouse won the popular novel of the spiritual domain "hand travel plans for the fourth quarter

2015-08-28 13:13:17来源: 4399

老牌游戏开发商西山居和国内知名视频媒体爱奇艺正式达成影游互动合作,共同开发网络人气小说《灵域》IP。西山居负责《灵域》手游的开发,爱奇艺负责《灵域》动漫产品的制作,双方将联合推广,计划今年第四季度上线与广大粉丝见面。 西山居将与爱奇艺深度捆绑,推出一款真正意义上的影游互动大作。爱奇艺2...

veteran game developer Xishan on-line home and domestic well-known media video iqiyi formally entered into a video tour of interaction and cooperation, to jointly develop a network of popular fiction" spiritual domain "IP. Westhouse is responsible for the development of the spiritual domain "tour, iqiyi is responsible for the spiritual domain, animation products, both sides to jointly promote, plans to the fourth quarter of this year on-line to meet with the majority of fans. Xishanju will be bundled with iqiyi depth, the launch of interactive video tour a real masterpiece. Iqiyi 2...

标签: 手游